Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy|你 要 敬 拜 神 因 為 預 言 中 的 靈 意 乃 是 為 耶 穌 作 見 證

Revelation 19:10 - 启 示 录 19:10

About MTC

For over 20 years, followers of Jesus have been gathering for the Midwest Thanksgiving Conference (MTC) to seek and touch the heart of Jesus. Our desire during MTC is to know the grace of the Father, to walk in the faith of Jesus and to be filled and sent out by the Holy Spirit with His presence and power. This year (2017) we want to know the joy that compelled Jesus and be transformed by it. Come and join us as we gather to:

• Discover the joy set before Jesus

• Be transformed by the joy of Jesus

• Bring transformation through His joy in all areas of our lives

During MTC 2017, there will be extended times of worship, prayer ministry, teaching from the Word of God and practical implementation of how the joy of Jesus can affect all aspects of your life. If you hunger for more of Jesus expressed in and through your life, we look forward to seeing you at MTC 2017! Blessings!

Pastor Li-Shang Tai


• 發掘那份擺在耶穌前面的喜樂

• 因耶穌的喜樂而被轉化

• 因著祂的喜樂,將轉化帶入我們生活的各個層面



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